
Sokkia digital levels, rugged Spectra Precision self-leveling construction laser levels, and high-quality automatic and hand levels for surveying and construction accuracy.

One of the first actions with any surveying task is calculating true horizontal and vertical determinants. A wide range of levels available, from simple handheld levels to sophisticated digital levels. No matter the style or model, all will provide highly accurate readings, time after time, for reliable survey results.

SECO offers a range of heavy-duty, lightweight, accurate hand levels for surveying work in even the roughest terrain. Both internal and replaceable external vial models are available, and all feature 3-line mirrors and deviation of less than 1/4 inch per 20 feet. Items from 5 to 7 inches are available, as well as 1- or 2-power models, and all come with a padded orange nylon case to protect them while in the field or on the job.

For extreme precision, nothing beats digital levels, and there is a wide range of models and features available.

All have tough construction and are sealed against water, dust, and humidity, as well as shock-resistant to ensure reliability and accuracy.

Various models offer options such as automatic self-leveling, multiple magnification levels, quick setup, vibration dampers, temperature compensators, remote controls, and bright LED readouts.